Discover Jewish Wisdom at Your Fingertips, Rabbi Reuven's AI Rabbi offers wisdom and guidance in multiple languages, drawing from trusted, reliable sources.

Perfect set of tools
AI Rabbi comes with perfect tools for getting your questions answered
Choose your language
Swipe through different language options and pick the one that works for you

Edit your settings
In the Edit Your Settings section, you can update your account, navigate to the website or shop, share feedback, and easily reach out to support.

Filter your AI
Choose which source you'd like to filter your AI from in the following list to improve the accuracy of your answers

Browse chat history
Pick up where you left off and view previous chats with the Rabbi.

Choose your language
Swipe through different language options and pick the one that works for you

Edit your settings
In the Edit Your Settings section, you can update your account, navigate to the website or shop, share feedback, and easily reach out to support.

Filter your AI
Choose which source you'd like to filter your AI from in the following list to improve the accuracy of your answers

Browse chat history
Pick up where you left off and view previous chats with the Rabbi.